Friday, February 26, 2016

                                         You Will Be Taken Care Of 

"If you do what's right, if you live the right way, you'll be taken                                                      care of."

Well If you live how your suppose to then people will take care of you they will protect you. Everybody will stand up for you, and they will always have your back. Now to live the right way you ask how do you do this well its actually quiet very simple. All you have to do is choose the right, we do this by being kind. We do this by being understanding, loving, helpful, and caring. Being all the things i mentioned in the last sentence people will love you they will admire and look up to you, people will see you and say hey look there goes that great boy mark or the great girl sally. Why will people do this because like the golden rule says do treat others the way you want to be treated.So you take care of others and they will take care of you simple as that.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

                   " In life as in football, you won't go far unless                 you know where the goal post  are"

Image result for arnold h glasowWell true i myself love the sport of football i really enjoy it and if there were no goal post and no end zone in the field then the game would have no point. There would be no reason to play the game anymore. Such as life if you have no goals if there nothing you plan to accomplish then there really isn't any point in your life because you aren't living to your max like you’re supposed to.  However in a field with in end zone and a goal post then you strive for the end zone no matter what you try your best to get there. You plan your strategies and you take action you try as hard as you can to get that ball to the end zone. Well that’s just like life because when you have goals you strive for them to achieve them. With goals planned out you think about how to accomplish you lay out your strategy, take action and chase right after those goals. No matter what you try your best and never give up in both football and real life.

Monday, February 22, 2016

"Only those live who do good."

What i believe this means is that if your living and not doing whats right then your basically living a lie because to live yo must always make the best choices. The people who do good they get rewarded they never feel guilty of anything because they never made the wrong choices they always choose whats right. People who live choosing the right are loved and cared for by everybody there respected everywhere. Unlike those who choose the wrong they feel guilty scared of getting caught in lies there mistrusted by everyone and there alone all by them self with no one caring for them. Those who live and do good are those who share and those who care and help others without asking. Its those who give without receiving thats the true meaning of living because it makes you feel great knowing your helping others.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

             A Choice: Poverty or Prosperity

“I hated poverty. Poverty is more of a choice than anything else, and I can change that (poverty). It depends upon how hard I want to work, and I decide that I would change it.”

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

                             "Enthusiasm makes the difference"

               Enthusiasm makes a huge difference, why well because if you’re not interested in something then you’re just not going to do it. If you don’t care enough to do something then you’re not going be able to do it. To achieve and complete something you must be willing to do it you have to really want to do it because telling yourself you can’t do it your just giving up your telling yourself to give up you’re just being a quitter. That’s why enthusiasm is good for you because it makes you want to achieve something it helps you strive for success. No matter what if you don’t want to do something nothing or nobody is going make you do it no matter what accept yourself.